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Our goal is to ensure that all children, whatever their background and starting points, are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential, both in terms of academic achievement and character development. We value teamwork, honesty, transparency and industry in helping to achieve our core purpose of ‘Equality and Achievement’. 



We promote high expectations for all our students

Our academy provides an environment in which high expectations are the norm. We encourage our students to be the best they can be. We are determined to support all students in achieving their true potential, whatever their background or starting points.

We are committed to upholding equality and diversity

We built our school community based on equality and a sense of personal responsibility. Every student and member of staff at Redhill has an equal right to be successful and as part of the Redhill Trust we are part of the Redhill Equality Commission; ensuring that all members of our community are treated equally, fairly and with respect.

We value and celebrate academic achievement

We believe that all students should have the support and encouragement needed to achieve their true potential. They should leave school with the formal qualifications they need to pursue their dreams. We believe that this is the biggest driver of social mobility in our society.

We aim to widen our students’ experiences

We promote activities that build our students’ resilience, respect for staff and self-confidence. These include participation in sport, the performing arts, trips abroad, cultural experiences and character-building challenges. Our ‘Pledges’ system ensures that every student benefits from these important opportunities.

We consistently deliver outstanding teaching

Excellent teaching is the bedrock of an effective school. We invest in the professional development of our teachers as a priority. Best practice is shared through networks, coaching and conferences and as part of the Redhill Trust training programmes cater for teachers from their first year through to executive leadership.


