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Future Careers

The Redhill Academy believes that you should have high-quality, independent career guidance to encourage you to be aspirational and well-informed when making educational and career decisions. Our Careers Programme contains a wide range of activities to help develop curiosity and confidence, allowing you to work towards a positive and fulfilling career.




Our Careers programme can be viewed in our Careers Policy, but you can expect the kinds of activities and opportunities listed below:

  • PSHE units which look at a variety of career related topics.
  • Themed weeks - such as National Careers Week, which provides a range of talks, activities and virtual resources.
  • Careers Assemblies.
  • Regular updates via Social Media and Class Charts.
  • Access to the online careers platform 'Unifrog'.
  • Access to specialist advice via group or 1:1 Careers appointments.
  • Drop-in sessions for information, advice and application support.
  • Engage with external speakers from the world of work, Further and Higher Education, some of whom are Redhill alumni!
  • Trips to Higher Education institutions, Technical training establishments and workplace visits.

For more information, download the Careers Policy at the bottom of the page.



Trust Careers & Aspirations Lead

Mrs Kary Jane - 

Tel: 0115 926 1481 ext. 124

