Below you can explore the Redhill Academy admissions process. Seamless enrolment via our online platform, catchment details, key dates, and access to our aptitude application. Your child's bright future begins with us.
- Catchment area map for The Redhill Academy
- Catchment Search Tool: Please use the Nottinghamshire County Council school catchment search tool HERE to search for your school catchment area. If you are in Redhill’s catchment, this tool will confirm it – a blank response means you are not in Redhill’s catchment.
- For future academic years, we generally match the term dates of the Nottinghamshire County Council: NCC Holiday & Term Dates
- Our Feeder Primary Schools are currently:
- Arnold Mill Primary School
- Killisick Junior School
- Richard Bonington Primary & Nursery School
- Robert Mellors Primary School
- Burntstump Seely CofE Primary Academy
The proposed admission number for Year 7 in September 2025 is 270.
Students who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where this school is named in the Plan will be admitted.
Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:
- Looked After Children or children who have been Previously Looked After.
- Up to 10% of places will be allocated to students who, at the closing date for applications, can show an aptitude for the Performing Arts, and whose parents have requested a place at the school. Places will be allocated based on those achieving the highest scores following the completion of the workshop process, as published in the school’s prospectus.
- Children who, at the closing date for applications, have a sibling attending the school and who live in the catchment area.
- Other children who live in the catchment area at the closing date for applications.
- Children who, at the closing date for applications, have a sibling attending the school and do not live in the catchment area.
- Children who live outside the catchment area but who on 31 October preceding admission attend the Redhill Family of Schools (Arnold Mill Primary, Killisick Junior, Richard Bonington Primary, Robert Mellors Primary, Burntstump Seely C of E Primary Academy).
- Other children who live outside the catchment area.
If applications exceed the number of places available, the school will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given based on the above criteria.
The full admissions policy is available for download at the bottom of this page.
If your child has not been offered a September 2025 place at Redhill and you wish to appeal that decision, please email us directly by clicking here: admin@theredhillacademy.org.uk, and request an appeal form.
We will then respond with a form and supporting information. Further information can be found in the Admission Documents below.
Our in-year admissions process is available to download at the bottom of this page.