Year 11 Online Parents’ Evening (virtual)
4.00 pm – 7.00 pm – Tuesday 13th December 2022
I would like to invite you to attend our Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 13th December 2022. Following the positive feedback that we received from parents around the use of School Cloud, we have decided to continue to run parents’ evenings online. During the evening, parents and students will have the opportunity to meet with subject teachers via a video call. No specialised software or equipment is required, and the website can be easily accessed using a smart phone / tablet / PC capable of making a video call.
Making appointments Parents will need to make appointments in advance by following the link below. The booking system will go live at 5.00 pm on Friday 2nd December 2022 and will close at 4.00 pm on Tuesday 13th December 2022.
Attending the online event On the evening, you will need to log on to the website (using the same link as above) and then join your pre-booked appointments. We suggest logging in five minutes before your first appointment is due to start. |
When logging in you will be asked for your name, your child’s name, their date of birth and your email address. If you are unable to attend the online event, we ask that you log in and select the ‘unable to attend’ option. There is the facility to send a direct message to your child’s teacher if you would like to speak to them at another time. If you encounter any difficulties making bookings or have any questions about these arrangements, please contact the academy’s reception team.
Yours faithfully, Mr M Walsh |
Assistant Headteacher